The Ghia..........My third, but not least favorite form of transportation. Posted by Hello


Lost said…
Hi there - you left a comment on my blog and I thought I would stop by and have a look around. I love your pictures and your stories. I read through your archives and I really like the chapters of your book. I know how you feel about the depression and medication. I was on Celexa for a while myself with them upping the dosage over and over until they changed the medication - btw the anti-depressants could have had an impact on your weight, they are kind of a well known culprit for that.
Well now that I've blabbed your ear off, I'll be on my way but I'll be back. Live in Peace.
tao1776 said…
Lost, stop by and blab anytime. Thanks for your kind words. As for the's not the medication, (which I have not taken in 3 months) it's the lack of exercise and too much beer. Although Guinness has ounce for ounce the same amount of calories as skim milk, six skim milks are a lot of calories. I've grown into this guy with no ass and extended abs. 15 - 20 Lbs and I'd be okay. Wish I could have them take it from my belly and stick it in my ass...hey! That didn't sound right! Well anyway....

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