The porch is open for business

Communities were once made up of people who needed to support one another. In the rural communities people devised methods to show that they were available and assessable. When someone new moved into town, a pie or some other such mark of hospitality was offered making the new comers feel welcome. Some people in small New England towns displayed a pineapple symbol on the front post as a sign of welcome sharing.
Porches were once a place where you could sit and invite strollers to sit and visit for a spell. It was the summer version of the winter wood stove at the country store. A person sitting on his porch was an open invitation for visitors.
It's interesting in noting the changes in society. I had my porch rebuilt. I love to sit and watch the world go by. Light my pipe, read a book, relax. My porch wraps around my house and is an integral part of it's design. Decks have replaced porches and it's reflective of the changes in society. Community is replaced with privacy with many neighbors not even knowing the names of those who live nearby. I now live in the quintesential bedroom community. Most work out of town, shop out of town. Many school and bank out of town. People go about their lives without a nod to their neighbors.
Not that I am unhappy with this arrangement either. The neighbor across the street (see an earlier blog) I often joke, is the leader of the Tim McVeigh Society. My other neighbor who has recently bought the home from his aged Mother, acts as though he hates us and is totally unapproachable. And this appears more the norm as I see more and more hatemongers and less happy and open, hospitable people.
If you come by and I'm on the porch, let me make this perfectly clear. You are invited to sit with me for as long as you want. We'll have great conversation. If you're hungry, I'll feed you. Thirsty, name your beverage.
The porch is open for business.


Lost said…
Hot damn. I'm heading for your porch. Geez, NO one has a front porch anymore.
alix said…
i've contemplated moving to an older intown neighborhood for just this reason. but here i don't think much would be different.

our neighbors rallied around us when i got hurt, and i was heartened and hopeful. a notable exception were the fundamental christians and naturally, the mysoginist that lives behind us. alas, though we wave more often, our veils of separation have dropped again.

no one has time any more...we're all busy hurrying and scurrying. i long for a simpler life.

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