The Flood-Plain.....Well, not quite. As a kid we would often explore an area that at one time had roads and homes criss-crossed and dotted throughout there. With the rains of the past few days and the still frozen ground, this is my back yard. Due to the many brooks, streams and rivers being filled with the melting snow and the rains of spring, my area has several strategically placed flood control areas and dams. Once the area was built, in the late 1930's and early 1940's, roads were closed and homes were destroyed. Most every spring the dams are closed and the area where we could walk throughout three seasons was under many feet of water. Pretty cool actually. When I was around fourteen years of age we "borrowed" a twelve foot boat and paddled down river with boards. Unfortunately, the river and woods were flooded and quite different from the markings of dry land. What would normally take 45 minutes to walk took almost 4 hours to paddle as we wandered through the uncharted territory. I can remember thinking that we might never find our way out. When we did find the end we did our best to hide the boat as we could not conceiveably board paddle the 4 hours back!  Posted by Hello


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