I hate bad news

Sunday morning......Saturday night was spent around the fire with about ten people, little scotch, little beer, good conversation, shrimp, cheese & crackers, sliced apple and smoked gouda. So, getting up this a.m. was a little difficult and then the phone rang.
It was my oldest daughter.
My niece's baby died. Her father was holding her on the couch and gave her a bottle at 11 p.m. When he awoke, she was beside him on the couch dead. They don't know if he slept on her and she smothered or died from natural causes. She was 2 months old.
We don't see as much death in little children as we once did. We have very old cemetaries tucked in throughout New England with many little children, sometimes from the same family that died from disease.
This kind of death is different. How does anyone deal with this? If it is ruled an accident due to smothering, how does the father manage? How does my neice ever be able to look at him?
Damn, I hate bad news......


alix said…
oh no. tao. oh this is awful.
please give my condolences to your neice.
this is so inadequate, but...
Em said…
I am so sorry.
Lost said…
Oh this is awful. I truely hope it doesn't turn out that he had anything to do with.
Your family has my condolences. I'm so sorry.
justrose said…
i am so sorry for your loss.
tao1776 said…
Thanks Guys!!!
Yes, it does appear that he rolled over and the baby suffocated between him and the couch. There is no $$ to bury her. A local funeral home may help defray some of the expense. It is a real mess.
Warm fuzzies out to all concerned.
Rowan said…
OMG! this is every mother's worst fear and after my son was born, people kept assuring me there's no way he could suffocate as babies are smart enough to wriggle free. I was super paranoid of an event such as what has befalled your neice. I'm at work, bawling nmy eyes out right now. Thanks for that ;o) You've made me appreicate life more today. I feel most bad for the father, this is something that I know I could never fully forgive anyone for had it been me.
alix said…
oh dear. tao, this is just tragic.
i cannot fathom what that father is feeling right now.
strength to you all, especially the parents.
Me said…
My heart breaks for your whole family. Having been through my own loss, I still can't find the words....

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