I was slightly peeved with the turn of the calender this year.

I used to fear the dreaded diagnosis of something like MS or ALS but found instead that I had CRS. Then there were the moments of RLS brought on by the frustration of there being no WMD's. Hippie turned to YUPPIE and YIPPIE and DINKS. I got an AA and found that I really needed a BA. I worked in R&D and QC, along with a stint in QA but I learned through NPR that most jobs were leaving MA for somewhere in CST.
I spend hours on the PC using BAT and BCA to assemble my own ERD. When I feel the need to respond ASAP to the growing sense of DEBT, I pour a glass of IPA and hope that it doesn't lead to AA.

You see, I was slightly peeved with the turn of the calender this year. BC,, just another day!


Loralee Choate said…
OMG, this post made me laugh and laugh. I know there is some serious stuff in there but the abbreviations kill me.
Hillbilly_Hotei said…
Thanks, Tim. You've made me LOL. Working around the DOD for so long has brought me to the brink of TLA-desentization.

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