The Dust Will Settle at TaoSpring
My understanding and experience of meditation
is to let it be whatever it is;
you just remain silent, without any concern,
without any judgment,
without making any appreciation or condemnation.
is to let it be whatever it is;
you just remain silent, without any concern,
without any judgment,
without making any appreciation or condemnation.
Soon all the dust will settle,
and you will be left behind in your immense glory,
in your tremendous beauty,
in your peaks of consciousness.
and you will be left behind in your immense glory,
in your tremendous beauty,
in your peaks of consciousness.
~ Osho
Even meditation is different from reflective reasoning. reasoning is satisfied if it merely achieves a clear conception of things, whereas meditation seeks a direct perception of them.
Meditation is to me, is the greatest of art. One who can meditate whether on God, attributeless thing or like Zen or Buddhist way, is the greatest artist, greater than Leonardo d Vinci or Shakespeare. I think we can agree on that point that the greatest difficulty a man faces is to empty his mind. It's an art to do that.