
Showing posts from January, 2007

Self improvement

T he first thought to come to mind when I wrote the title, and I chuckled, is that some aspiring Buddhists would stumble over the words, self improvement. In attempting to understand the Buddhist concept of non-self, they seek to understand a doctrine instead of experiencing a teaching. It is a movement away from a subjective self towards an objective awareness and it is an obstacle for everyone of us. However, self improvement, especially from a Zen Buddhist perspective, isn't what we usually think of when we hear the term. Self improvement usually means that we have a set idea of how it is that we want to be. We want to be more friendly, more compassionate. We want to "keep" the Buddhist precepts or the Ten commandments or some other such list of moral values. Perhaps we observe things that we don't like about ourselves and set about with the task of trying to discipline ourselves. Often, we find ourselves "falling short" of our goals and in frustratio...

Tiny Dancer


Date Nite

I'm sure that it began more than seven years ago. Not sure about the hows and the whys, but the Lady decided that we would start a tradition of "Date Nite" every week on Wednesdays. It didn't matter what we ate. We would have dinner, some wine, music and candlelight. The night was dedicated to food, music, conversation and wine. My oldest son and my youngest daughter, the only two living at home at this time (out of four) objected to this. They didn't like eating in the dark. Didn't like the music. didn't like the interruption in the routine. For the last few years, the kids enjoy Date Nite and invite themselves over now that they're not at home. My Granddaughter Brielle (the Dingo) enjoys it as well. She's a dancing machine. Always has been. This week she couldn't finish dinner in anticipation of the dancing. "Dance. Dance. Please. Please," she pleaded! We would run to the dance floor (in front of the CD player) and she danced in ful...

Poverty statistics in the USA

The cost of the Iraq war ... $378 Billion and growing The cost of Afghanistan ... $58 Billion and growing Aid to Israel since 1949 ... $90 Billion Aid to Lebanon ...a new pledge of $7.6 Billion Cost of ending poverty in the US $Priceless S tanding before the House rostrum on the night of January 31, President George W. Bush beamed as he recounted the state of the country’s economic health. “Our economy is healthy,” the president declared during his State of the Union address. “Americans should not fear our economic future, because we intend to shape it.” What shape Bush has in mind is clear. While the administrators of the president’s economic policies champion 11 consecutive quarters of GDP growth, Bush-mandated tax cuts ensure that the government will continue to make less while the rich and large corporations eagerly fill their coffers. In 2005, federal revenues were just 17.5 percent of GDP, 1 percent less than the previous 50-year average. By contrast, the Feb. 12, 2005 Econ...

The power of language

T he Mulla was made a magistrate. During his first case the plaintiff argued so persuasively that he exclaimed: ‘I believe you are right!’ The clerk of the Court begged him to restrain himself, for the defendant had not been heard yet. Nasrudin was so carried away by the eloquence of the defendant that he cried out as soon as the man had finished his evidence: ‘I believe you are right!’ The clerk of the court could not allow this. ‘Your honor, they cannot both be right!’ ‘I believe you are right!’ said Nasrudin.
A s my only source of warmth, I rode my steed through a night of blinding snow and blistering cold. We traveled as ordered in single file, each hoping that the one before us did not lose the trail. As the sun rose, the wind and snow bowed in obeisance and bothered us no more. Our approach did not silent the winter's Jay and I took comfort in the new day. We rode over the crest of sparse wood revealing tall pines stabbing at the sky. The sound of anxious riders sounded with coughing and snorts. I stood in the stirrups to lengthen my spine as the Captain signaled us to form ranks. Seven men and horses wide and ten deep, we took to the hill top. Captain Josephus Moore liked to quote from books and poems and authors known and unknown to spur us on. "Now this is the Law of the Jungle as old and as true as the sky; And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the Wolf that shall break it must die. As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk the Law runneth forward and b...

And how do we begin to use compassion and awareness as our jumping off point? Part II

Seems like a fair question, doesn't it? But it would seem that in the blogging world (especially) where words flow like wine and everyone has a voice (and I like that) that discussion of things metaphysical, of God, of Christian, Pagan and Buddhist and of philosophical thought brought forward throughout all of history, has become too cerebral for me. In High School, I had general math studies. Although I don't remember anyone taking such a course, I would suspect that algebra and calculus was available to those that were college bound upon graduation. When I returned to college some twenty years later, a basic understanding of algebra was a requirement. I had to take intro, then basic, and finally the big kahuna, Algebra I. Recent blogger discussions remind me of my lack of skill in algebra and the depth of metaphysical/philisophical meanderings. Although I enjoy the thoughts of others, such as the green man Zeteticus, or those of Kay among many others, I am reminded that poet...
In Shelborne Falls, Massachusetts, you can find an outcropping of rocks that run in and out of the Deerfield river. Known as "The potholes," it's a fantastic place to swim. With natural made Jacuzzis and waterfalls, there are areas where rocks became lodged into ruts, holes and divots until spun round by many years and gallons of water. The result formed potholes and the above named Jacuzzis. The power of perseverance! Like the fish searching for water or the square peg being forced into the round hole, we search for God, for enlightenment, for an understanding of things that will give us comfort; to free us from suffering. I recall hearing someone once say something about head knowledge and heart knowledge. Like the preacher who spoke about the letter of the law and the spirit of the law; let those with ears to hear, hear. That search for God, for enlightenment, for an understanding of things that will give us comfort and free us from suffering is found in that place of ...
We have decided to paint the entire interior of the house. My current job provides me with Ben Moore paints at little or no cost. We have been putting it off for many years. We were aware of the principle that momentum creates momentum, so we just jumped into it. On one weekend we did the living room. After work on Saturday, I jumped into the dining area and took today off to finish it. I hope to post pictures soon. The living area is a shade of sage with the dining area being a New England type of earthen yellow. Neither description does it justice. As it is said, "A picture is worth a thousand words." As I worked alone today, I had a weighty sense of nostalgia. It has been some time since I have worked so diligently on a home improvement. My last job afforded me the luxury to hire others to do some of what I would have once done myself. I was happy to be doing what I was doing. Neil Young sang "Harvest Moon" on and I felt it hit me. Come...

The Dream

It appeared as though the world was on fire. The hope was awakened time and time again through the word of the prophets, the poets, the writers of words and the singer of songs. A utopia was a pipe dream but a group of people with a vision for peace, love and understanding regardless of color, creed or religion was a possibility. "This is the largest group of people ever assembled in one place, and I think you people have proven something to the world: that a half a million kids can get together and have three days of fun and music and have nothing *but* fun and music, and I God bless you for it!" -MAX Enjoying the smoke of good marijuana many times a day helped slow the anxiety as one waited for peace in the world. All we are saying, is give peace a chance...J. Lennon I drifted off to sleep enjoying the knowledge that I could sleep in the next morning. No work. It was Sunday. This did not stop my father however from coming into my room early in the morning. Boxer shorts, hai...
I came upon a child of God he was walking along the road and, I asked him where are you going and this he told me... I was hopeful, but buying into the whole Love-Peace gig of the 60's and early 70's was counter-current to my experience. From my mates in school, to those in the community. Those in political power or in positions of influence; too many were living lives of quiet desperation. As if there was something inherently bad about "Another Pleasant Valley Sunday..." "Like every great religion of the past we seek to find the divinity within and to express this revelation in a life of glorification and the worship of God. These ancient goals we define in the metaphor of the present — turn on, tune in, drop out." I grew my hair and wore outlandish clothes. I thought that getting back to nature meant no littering and smoking marijuana. I didn't attend my high school graduation and asked that they send my diploma in the mail. I stole Abbie Hoffman'...
Elvis was on television singing, "Glory, glory, hallelujah." I briefly glimpsed the thermometer hanging outside and it read sixty five degrees. Normal temperatures for January 6Th are usually thirty eight for a high while the reality is, it is often lingering towards zero. There has been less than one inch of snow total - after having two storms! I sighed in frustration over having an abscessed tooth that is developing into a sinus infection. We began with a new health insurance plan on January 1st, 2007. It is a very bad joke that got even worse when I found that it didn't cover any doctors in my area. It has a $2,000 deductible. The company places $375 a quarter towards the $2000 leaving the employee with a $500 balance. Since I am paying $33 a week, the $1500 a year is not really being paid by the company. It comes from my $33 a week. My wife has does not have health insurance. Neither does about one in six people in the country. The insurance plan places the entire b...
I do not wish to convert people from one organized religion to another; I have no interest in any of these organised religions. My interest is in Dhamma - the truth, the Teachings of all Enlightened ones. If at all there is any conversion, it should be from misery to happiness, from defilement to purity, from bondage to liberation, from ignorance to enlightenment. - S N Goenka As a Christian living in Rhode Island, as part of our ministry outreach we would go and "preach the Gospel" to anyone who was interested in hearing our message. We sang songs and preached our message weekly in one of Providence's largest "projects," a large complex housing most the city's poor and black population. We would speak of Jesus to people on the street. Any segue that presented itself would soon become that of "Jesus and him crucified." The story of sin and redemption. It wasn't long before I was in trouble with my existing religious authority. It was reported t...


I was slightly peeved with the turn of the calender this year. I used to fear the dreaded diagnosis of something like MS or ALS but found instead that I had CRS. Then there were the moments of RLS brought on by the frustration of there being no WMD's. Hippie turned to YUPPIE and YIPPIE and DINKS. I got an AA and found that I really needed a BA. I worked in R&D and QC, along with a stint in QA but I learned through NPR that most jobs were leaving MA for somewhere in CST. I spend hours on the PC using BAT and BCA to assemble my own ERD. When I feel the need to respond ASAP to the growing sense of DEBT, I pour a glass of IPA and hope that it doesn't lead to AA. You see, I was slightly peeved with the turn of the calender this year. BC,, just another day!