If you have been playing with this simple exercise, and I hope that you have, begin as you have with 1) posture 2) relaxed spine 3) breathe 4) smile.

Now I want you to begin moving the energy found in the smile, slowly downward - feel it move slowly down your throat into your heart and lungs, moving through and behind your belly button. Move it downard into the genital area and let it rest at the pernium (the space between your genitals & anus) allow the energy to rise up the back along the center line of the body, let it rise over the scalp and down the forehead and end at the upper palate of the mouth. (Remember? Your tongue should be lightly pressed behind your upper front teeth) Allow the momentum to let this energy continue down as water drains off a slope and let it collect in the "dan tian" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dantian a space just behind the navel and about three fingers below. Allow the energy to circulate, roll and eventually come to rest there.

Practice this until it becomes to feel natural and fun. Remember! Anything to do with smiles is good fun!

Play with this exercise until you can feel the energy warm or stimulate certain areas of the pathway.


Loralee Choate said…
Another question...Does it matter how our legs are positioned? This gives me a lot of trouble...it seems every position gets uncomfortable after a few minutes. Could I do this in a chair? I am seriously inept, so thanks for the patience.

tao1776 said…
Ah, Rubik! KISS - Keep it simple. Go back the post date 8/12/06... I would recommend that you do sit in a chair.
Loralee Choate said…
Yay! Thank god. I was having nightmares of trying to sit cross legged.
Anonymous said…
Loralee - Zafu and zabuton are wonderful for crossed-leggedness. I have chronic bursitis in one knee, and as long as I don't try the full-lotus feet on thighs pose, I can sit for reasonable periods with the cushions. They take a bit of getting used to, but once you do, they're quite comfortable.

I've been doing a variation of this exercise for a while and enjoy it very much - drawing Earth energy up through my root chakra and circulating it with my own until the two blend and are flowing through me. It's been doing me a world of good lately in dealing with some high-tension situations. I leave it feeling not only calm, but somehow nourished.

I've even discovered very recently that I can transfer some of the calm and nourishment to others by playing with Pranic techniques - more about that in another time and place, and when the kids are sacked out for the night :)
Loralee Choate said…
I'm glad you added the last bit. Trying to do any kind of unchaotic thinking is nigh impossible for my brain without the challenge of being in my house with my children! :D``
Anonymous said…
One of my big challenges has been structuring naptime meditation periods so that I can still hear what's going on around me. I've been a drown-it-out-with-headphones type for years. Can't do that any more!
Rowan said…
having trouble going to the spot below the naval....just doens't want to go there....I can get it down in my back nicely though! :)

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