I am so god damned depressed,

the wick is trimmed;

the light fades...


Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito.



I wish I knew what half of that meant!

tao1776 said…
Feeling a little beat down...always makes me pull out a little Latin.....
Namaste (not Latin) means I bow to you.....
DLAK said…
Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them? You may want to get the new cd by KT Tunstall, its the kind of thing that gives you hope...
tao1776 said…
Thanks Dlak....I am really a laid back, ultra positive with a non judgemental view of life who usually experiences life more as an observer of events instead of a reactor to events. So, when too many things burden my mind, I will sometimes grab on to the negative reasoning for a tad longer than my natural mind is used to.
If I were tell of my life's circumstances, in their entirty, you would get depressed too. LOL The power of the moment outweighs the thoughts of "ifs" "whats" "regrets", etc...
Reality is as it is...

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