The inability to express esoteric concepts...
...using mundane speech. This Being Human.... Throughout all of recorded religious history, God has been thought of in terms of being "The Creator". In the most ancient and primitive of religions, God was thought of in terms of both polytheism and monotheism, being that creation needed both seed and womb. Perhaps this is also being reflected in Genesis 1: 26/27 "God said, let us make man in our own image after our likeness...So God created man in his own image... male and female created he them". It's interesting to note that most of the major religions contain the concept of God that reflects what could loosely be described as a trinity. Christians speak of Father, Son and Holy Ghost; The blessed Trinity. Hindu (Trimurti) Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva. The Tao De Ching says, "Tao gave birth to one, one gave birth to two, two gave birth to three, three gave birth to all myriad things". And in Mahayana Buddhism one can find the Sanskrit " Trikaya ...