Happy Valentine's day!!!!
Yeah, yeah, I know. Hallmark day. Just a bunch of crap to make us spend money that we don't have. But that's one man's opinion. Could it be that some dolts NEED specially marked holidays to have them stop and acknowledge their honeys? For me, its different. You see, this week, (2/17) the Lady and me got married. TWENTY-NINE YEARS AGO. That's right. You heard it right. And most of my good buds have been married for as long or longer than we. We think the same thoughts at the same time. We are comfortable and have fun together. As I write, we are for the second time in our years together, in deep financial straights. Hand to mouth. A struggle to eat, to heat, to keep our heads above water. And you know what? I'm as happy as a murder of crows. The Lady and I met at bible study. A few years later, we found ourselves living in the same house. I paid her little notice. She will tell you that she knew we would get married after one our first meetings some years earlier. ...