Dukka - The first noble truth
From all that I am able to gather, I didn't have a choice in my being born. Although the Tibetan Book of the Dead does suggest that we may choose who our parents will be. Perhaps the choice of being born is one of no choice at all. I didn't choose to be the third born child in a family of four, born of depressed parents who rode the post WWII train into the American Dream. Indeed, the Lady and I have often remarked that had we been made aware of how rotten the family tree was, we may have forgone the decision to have our own children. I didn't ask to suffer from Agoraphobia for several years. Nor to suffer from chronic pain since 1986. Nor to gain successful employment and career only to lose and regain it and lose and lose it again. Nor did I ask for diabetes and the peripheral neuropathy that dogs me. It is a huge pile of shit that I find myself standing on and one that I never asked for. That is dukka. A wobbly wheel on the cart of life. Even when things are going good...